Get More Google Reviews With Your Tap or Scan Card

Dramatically Increase Your Five-Star Reviews with Touch-and-Go Technology

Seize Lost Opportunities: Make Every Customer Experience Count with Effortless, Instant Review Sharing

Transform your customer’s fleeting intentions into lasting endorsements with our innovative NFC-enabled Google Review Card.

Don’t let a customer’s promise of a glowing review fade away once they leave your establishment.

With our review card, the process of sharing their experience becomes immediate, simple, and effective.

Just a tap on the card with their smartphone, and they’re directly taken to your Google Review page.

This not only amplifies your online visibility but also strengthens your reputation. It’s time to turn every great customer experience into a powerful review, propelling your business growth.

94% of consumers say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business.

According to a 2020 survey from BrightLocal, 94% of consumers say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business. The same study indicates that customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews.

A report from the Spiegel Research Center reveals that displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by up to 270%.

Now, think about how many times a satisfied customer has promised to share their positive experience online, only for them to forget once they’ve left your establishment.

It’s not just a missed review—it’s a missed opportunity to boost your reputation, enhance your online presence, and increase your revenue. We know it, and we’re here to change that.

Imagine an alternative to the current scenario. Instead of promises of reviews fading as a customer steps out of your business, you could capture their satisfaction instantly, right in the heat of the moment.

Visualise your customer tapping their phone to our NFC-enabled Google Review Card and sharing their positive experience there and then.

The barrier between their promise and their action collapses. In an instant, their satisfaction transforms into an online endorsement for your business, amplifying your reputation, one review at a time.

The benefits of our Review Card stretch far beyond streamlining the review process. It allows you to harness the power of real-time feedback, helping you connect better with your customers and improve your services based on their input.

As the number of your reviews grows, your business’s visibility in the digital space soars.



Contactless Review Card

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Search engines prioritise businesses with higher and fresher reviews, making your brand more accessible to potential customers. Moreover, a high volume of positive reviews instills trust and confidence in potential customers, directly influencing their decision to choose your services.

Our Review Card isn’t just a technological tool; it’s a strategic asset for your brand. Acting as a physical reminder for customers, it gently nudges them to share their experience.

It’s akin to having a digital concierge at each table or counter, subtly reminding customers of their intention to leave a review. This increases engagement and fosters a stronger connection between your brand and your customers.

In essence, the NFC-enabled Google Review Card isn’t just a solution to a problem; it’s a growth strategy for your business. It leverages the power of modern technology to harness the timeless value of customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth marketing.

Now is the moment to stop letting potential reviews slip through your fingers. Don’t let the best intentions of your satisfied customers dissipate as they step out of your establishment. It’s time to transform these lost opportunities into a robust growth strategy for your business.

Embrace the simplicity and efficiency of our NFC-enabled Google Review card. This cutting-edge tool streamlines the review process, making it immediate, straightforward, and highly effective. It acts as a bridge, connecting your customer’s satisfaction with your online reputation.

Equip your customers with the means to easily and promptly share their positive experiences. In a world where online reviews are a major deciding factor for consumers, such real-time endorsements of your business are invaluable.

Remember, every review counts. Each one boosts your visibility, strengthens your reputation, and attracts more potential customers. With our NFC-enabled Google Review Card, you’re not just collecting reviews; you’re building trust, driving engagement, and promoting growth.

The future of customer reviews starts here. And the best part? You can take the first step towards this future right now, from this page. Ordering your NFC-enabled Google Review cards is just a click away.

Let’s seize the day and kickstart a new chapter in your business’s success story. Let’s turn great experiences into fantastic reviews, and fantastic reviews into increased revenue. Don’t let another opportunity pass you by. Order your cards today and start transforming customer experiences into powerful reviews.

Contactless Review Card

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Here are a few answers to some questions we frequently get asked. If your question isn’t answered get in touch here


What is an NFC review card and how does it work?


An NFC review card is a modern solution for gathering instant customer feedback. It works by using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to transfer data to a smartphone. When a customer brings their phone close to the card, it prompts them to leave a review.


Why are customer reviews important for my business?


Customer reviews provide valuable insights into your customers’ experiences, help you identify areas for improvement, and build trust with potential customers. Reviews act as social proof of your product or service quality, which can influence prospective customers’ decisions and ultimately boost sales.


How can online reviews improve my business’s SEO?


Online reviews can significantly improve your business’s SEO. Search engines favor businesses with high-quality and frequent reviews, as they indicate that your business is trustworthy and reliable. Encouraging customers to leave reviews can boost your search engine ranking, improving your visibility online.


Does my smartphone need to have NFC capabilities to interact with the NFC review card?


Yes, to interact with the NFC review card, your smartphone needs to have NFC capabilities. However, most modern smartphones come equipped with this feature.


Can older mobiles without NFC technology use the review card?


Absolutely. Our review cards also include a QR code. So, if a phone doesn’t support NFC, customers can simply scan the QR code to leave their review.


How do customer reviews contribute to my business’s reputation?


Customer reviews play a significant role in shaping your business’s reputation. Positive reviews can enhance your brand’s image, increase trustworthiness, and influence potential customers. Conversely, professionally addressing negative reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction, which can also enhance your reputation.


How can real-time customer reviews help my business?


Real-time customer reviews allow you to promptly address any issues and acknowledge positive feedback. This instant interaction can lead to a better customer experience, as it shows customers that their feedback is valued and that your business is committed to improving its products or services.


Can customer reviews influence my business’s sales?


Yes, customer reviews can significantly impact your business’s sales. Many potential customers check online reviews before making a purchase decision. Positive reviews can attract more customers and boost sales, while negative reviews, if not addressed properly, can deter potential customers.